A sneaky peek…

Boobs are fantastic, and that is a fact. Big, small, or somewhere in-between they are all good. How often though do you see a really attractive babe who has their top buttoned or zipped up to the neck. How frustrating is that?!

Now we have no right to expect women to show off their personal wares, but when they do and it is just for us then that is perfect.

Just sometimes you also get a surprise when you realise that the babe with the gorgeous face has serious boobage hidden away under her top! And you are the lucky guy (or gal) who gets to see them.

There is something about an illicit look at some major cleavage when a babe quickly unzips her top and gives us a good view. It is like the perfection of seeing the mountain tops, the valley below, and the clear blue sky on a beautiful day.

So if you do get to see, count yourself very lucky as it may never happen again! You have been truly honored!

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