Report Image

The form below should be used for contacting us regarding issues with image copyright or any other form of unauthorised image use (such as revenge porn, for example). It should not be used for any other purposes – we do not need help with our SEO, building a website, managing our bitcoin, eradicating erectile disfunction, or any other ridiculous use of a web form.

Copyright Issues

At Love Boobs we take your copyright issues seriously and aim to respond to all genuine reports within 2 working days of confirmation. We do not condone copyright theft in any form but Love Boobs is a gallery built of user submissions and we have to take these submissions at face value. At submission time users are reminded that they should not post images unless they are the copyright holder or otherwise have explicit permission to use the images for that purpose.

Unwanted Images of You, or Revenge Porn

At Love Boobs we take issues relating to unwanted photographs of yourself, or someone you represent, on the site very seriously. We only want people who want to be on the site to be featured. We in no way support the concept of “Revenge Porn” and will remove any such photographs reported to us as soon as possible.

Love Boobs gallery is built of user submissions and we have to take these submissions at face value.

Report it to us…

Please complete the form below fully otherwise we may not be able to fully assist you.

Entering your name will help us in dealing with your enquiry. If you are concerned about giving your full name please give your first name.
In most cases we will not need to contact you but in some cases we may need to respond, or may need further information.
Please select from the drop down box what your enquiry is regarding.
In order to help you we will need to know which image, or images, you are referring to. Please either copy and paste the URL of each image or the reference number of the image. Without this information we will not be able to help you.
Please detail what it is you would like us to assist you with.