Asses can be beautiful too!
You don’t need to be a genius to work out that a site called “Love Boobs” would be about the adoration of the wonderful world of women’s breasts, and you would not be wrong. For me, by far and away, the most physically beautiful thing about an attractive woman is her boobs.
I’m a tattoo hypocrite… but I don’t care
There are three types of people in the world, those that love tattoos, those that hate tattoos, and those that love the idea of a tattoo but are too scared to actually get one.
What is better? Expectation or Reality?
How many times have you seen a hot looking woman and thought to yourself “I wonder what she looks like naked?” – I know I certainly have. Many, many times.
Rah! Rah! Out of lockdown cheer…leaders!
We all need a little bit of cheering up… and who better for the job than some cheerleaders?