Britney Spears’ freedom (almost)
After well over a decade of conservatorship Britney Spears has been enjoying her return to freedom and really expressing herself. Since the conservatorship was lifted in November 2021 Britney has been enjoying her newly re-found freedom by getting married – not to me, sadly – and enjoying life it seems. Continue Reading
Are women getting less sexy?
I remember my parents and grand parents all saying things that made “their day” better than now. Such things as “I don’t remember police men being so young in my day” or “she can’t be a teacher, she looks about 12”. I’m not sure about these two examples being true Continue Reading
I’m not sure you thought that through…
I remember the first pair of boobs I ever saw weren’t actually fully unclothed, in fact they weren’t unclothed at all. They were completely clothed but yet almost fully exposed.
Brannigan’s law: are boobies the sexiest part of a woman?
In the soon-to-be-revived cartoon Futurama there is a old-style misogynistic space captain called Zapp Brannigan, and one of his best quotes from the entire series is the basis of my question – what is the sexiest part of a woman?